Examples of supported content structure
We can accept multiple sources, each with their own format configured.
If the suggested formats or batch collection methods do not apply to your data ecosystem, please contact Screen6 Ops for alternatives.
Sample 1 - Two ID types
Each ID type has its own column: timestamp, IP, cookie ID, IDFA and user agent.
Timestamp | IP | CookieID | IDFA | UserAgent |
1412845993 | | 123456789 | 987654321 | Mozilla/5/... |
Sample 2 - 1st and 3rd party cookies
If your data contains 1st party cookies (cookies set on the domain of the website), then the domain on which the cookie was set should be listed in a UID Type column.
You can mix 1st and 3rd party cookies by setting a default domain in case of 3rd party cookies (use empty string or 'yourdomain.com').
Datetime | IP | CookieID | UIDType | UserAgent |
2014-10-03T06:58:45+00:00 | | 12345678 | host2.com | Mozilla/5/... |
2014-10-03T06:59:12+00:00 | | 34567890 | host1.com | Mozilla/5/... |
2014-10-03T06:59:52+00:00 | | 23456789 | yourdomain.com | Mozilla/5/... |
Sample 3 - Multiple types in one column, additional ID Type column
In the next example there are separate columns for CookieIDs and DeviceIDs. The type of DeviceIID is further specified in the DeviceID_type column.
Datetime | IP | CookieID | DeviceID | DeviceIDtype | UserAgent |
2014-10-03T06:58:45+00:00 | | 123456789 | abcdef | didmd5 | Mozilla/5/... |
2014-10-03T06:59:22+00:00 | | 987654321 | ghijklm | ifa | Mozilla/5/... |
Preferred way of logging multiple UID types
It's always preferred to give each UID Type its own column. However if this is complicated due to technical reasons then UID type columns may be used.
Example TSV text data<tab>1537358370<tab>abcdef12345<tab>Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_12_6) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/69.0.3497.100 Safari/537.36<tab>1537356920<tab>dfdkkdf34567<tab>Mozilla/5.0 (Linux; Android 8.0.0; SM-G950F Build/R16NW) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/69.0.3497.91 Mobile Safari/537.36